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​© Music and Lyrics: Mrs. Dina Storch


Foreign Lands

I’m going, I’m going far away
Don’t know when my plane will bring me back again
Got my chopsticks right here at my side
Gonna get me one big lion’s hide
Paris has that special gourmet touch
Merci beacou - and thank you very much

I’m going to Africa today
Pretty sure that once I’m there I’ll want to stay
I’m frightened stiff, but still I need to go
The wilderness is just for me, I know
I hear it now – the close call of the wile
I see them – oh, I better run and hide

I’m going; I’m going off to France
Why living there just makes you want to sing and dance
First in Paris I will settle down
Then I’ll be touring every part of town
After that I’ll find some work to do

But that won’t be before a year or two
I’m going to China in a while
Don’t know ho to stretch my eyes, I guess I’ll smile
Just can’t wait to eat those bamboo shoots
Cut my bangs and throw away these boots
China, in just hours I’ll be there
Throwing pretty flowers in the air

I’m going; I’m going off to Rome
Once I’m there, I’ll call it ‘quits’ and build my home
Just a little mansion on the sea
A mistress who will serve me cake and tea
A little boat to take me on a cruise
Built from glass, so I can watch the view

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